We can no longer run our katalon test using katalon docker image while not having change a thing.
We pass api key as an cli argument to the image (not changed for 2 years)
INFO: Katalon Version: 7.8.2
INFO: Command-line arguments: --propertiesFile=/katalon/console.properties -projectPath=. -
apiKey=******** -testSuiteCollectionPath=Test Suites/TNR
And here is the error log:
Katalon TestOps: Unexpected response, URL: https://analytics.katalon.com/api/v1/license-keys/activate? machineKey=60b9b7d6ac96898c0b1f3e17385affe7&ksVersion=7.8.2&email&organizationId=&sessionId=453f5239-169a-4688-8b07-6524e184530b&hostname=546ec76f1c73&package=FLOATING_ENGINE, Status: 400, Response: {"timestamp":"2021-03-18T08:26:17.481+0000","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Your trial has expired. Please subscribe to continue using Katalon Runtime Engine."
License-wise, our organization have 3 active KRE floating licenses and my user (whose api key we use) is a member of the organization. As you can see below failed attempt are logged in as licence usage.