Unable to "Schedule Test Run" while trial period is still on

I get the error above, while my enterprise trial period is still on (until 1st March) and I have not exceeded 2000 runs (I have only 6). Can you help me understand? I need this for certification program


Hi @ivana.ivanovska, :wave:

Thank you for your topic and welcome to Katalon Community.

I have forwarded your topic to a member of our Product team who will take a look and get back to you soon.

Thanks! :+1:
Albert from Katalon Community team

Hi @ivana.ivanovska
Can you please share the screenshot from: TestOps > Gear Icon > Product Utilization > TestCloud?



Hi @ivana.ivanovska
From your screenshot, it looks like you have reached your limit of trial test cloud quota, that’s why the error pops up.
