Unable to Schedule test runs in TestOps since there is no profiles for me to select



I am trying to Schedule test runs in TestOps however, under profiles section, I am not able to select anything? Why?

Does anyone know what I can do to see the profile I need to select? Please and thank you

NOTE: On the image below left side is mine and the right is from Katalon site


I am trying to do it through command, are these settings correct?

  • When I opened the log this is the error I received.
  • Where do I add username and password for the GIT so it can run in Katalon? I hope I am asking the questions clearly.
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After selecting repository, you need to wait for few second because sometimes its take to load some time for long testsuites.

I waited a couple of minutes and still nothing…

Also, How would it even know what test suite to run if I can’t select it? I do not see an option to select it on my end?

IMAGE below.

my schedule test run on the left and the Katalon website procedure on the right, you are able to select which test suite and on mine i do not see that option.


Please makesure selected object reposository is correct, because at my end profile is displaying.
You can also try to log out and log In and restart system, and try once again

the object name and profile is blank with nothing to select. I closed Katalon multiple times as well. I am not sure why.