Lost all my Test cases after renaming folder

Re-writing this post as my previous post is delete by system as i flagged by mistake.
I renamed the Test case folder and after that I lost all me Test cases.When you open test cases in Katalon, it shows blank.

I got a response to recover,Kindly resend those steps please.

Posting this again:

If you rename the top level folders in Katalon (“Test Cases”, “Test Suites”, etc.), Katalon will no longer recognize them. This doesn’t mean that they are gone, just that Katalon will not show them in the project explorer. They should still be in your file system.

Thanks,I got another response after this , list of folders to be deleted and and open the Project again.Please send me that also.

I sent that as a fix-all. These are the folders:

  • bin
  • Libs
  • .classpath
  • .project

You can also try to just put your test cases back in to the “Test Cases” folder, and refresh the project.

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Should i copy and put under main Test cases folder and refresh the project?

Yes, give it a try. Katalon should display them as long as they have a “Test Cases” folder as a parent/ancestor folder somewhere.

Katalon says below,

Close Katalon, and do this work in your file system.

I moved all the test cases under Test cases folder still not showing anytthing

I dont see below folder,

  • .classpath
  • .project

Kindly help,I lost all my test cases,Pls help me to recover.

Your above screenshot shows your test cases. Have you actually lost them, or they just aren’t displaying? Can you create NEW test cases in Katalon?

All of my test cases shows empty

Yes,I can create new Test cases.

Please tell me the recover steps,Is Katlon not just showing all my test caces in script and manual mode? How can i make it to show up in Manual and Script mode - Kindly help.

In your file system, your project structure should look something like this:

  • The Test Cases folder should contain a bunch of .tc files. These should be in XML format, and are not your actual scripts.
  • The Scripts folder should match the hierarchy of the Test Cases folder, and should contain a bunch of .groovy files. These are your actual scripts.

If you’ve changed the names of either of these folders, I’m not sure the expected behavior in Katalon, but your file system should reflect your changes. Katalon needs both the Test Cases and Scripts folders.

Attached screen shot from my machine,I am using Mac,How do i access the file system in my Mac,I went inside the project folder.

And also files under Scripts folder are 1KB

You ARE accessing your file system. That’s what your screenshots are from, no?

Are those .groovy files empty? Open them in a text editor.

Yes,it is empty,I opened one as below.

It has only the imports,Any ways to recover?

If the .groovy files are empty, I’m afraid not. But that’s just based on my limited knowledge. Let’s get some input from others: @Russ_Thomas @anon46315158 @ThanhTo

No, afraid not. If the files in Scripts folder are essentially empty, I think you’re screwed.

Where does Katalon store the last compilation output? It’s clearly separate and away from dev code in the IDE…

I am still wondering how Katalon deletes the scripts from the file system? I am in process of recreating everything.Is it a bug and is there a fix for this?