How-to: I just lost all my test cases what do I do now?

How-to: I just lost all my test cases what do I do now?

Issue: Changing test case folder names (parent/children) from within Katalon may result in test case loss. This does not appear to be an issue when renaming test suites.

I have NOT found an easy solution/fix for this known issue; except to do the following:

To prevent test case loss I create a zipped archive of my project before doing any updates.

Or if you are using Git you can create a back up of your latest work before doing any updates.

If I do have any issues I can easily restore my project from the zipped archive / Git backup.

I’ve had to restore projects on a number of occasions; so this process has saved many hours of re-work.

Possible test folder renaming work-around:

  1. Backup your project.
  2. Make a new test folder.
  3. Copy/move the test cases to the new folder.
  4. Delete old test folder.