Important Update to Katalon Studio's Release Schedule Starting in August

Hello, Community!

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news that marks a significant step forward in how we develop, release, and maintain Katalon Studio and Katalon Studio Enterprise. After much consideration and valuable feedback from users like you, we’re transitioning to a Semantic Versioning system and implementing Quarterly Updates to ensure more predictability and transparency in our release cycle. Plus, we’re keeping Monthly Updates for Enterprises users for ongoing maintenance and improvements.

What’s Changing?

  • Semantic Versioning: We’ll be adopting a semantic versioning system, meaning our version numbers will now more intuitively reflect the nature of the changes with each release. You can expect version numbers to follow the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format, helping you quickly understand the impact of each update.

So as an example -

Month (Tentative) Version Description Edition
August 9.7.1 Patches KSE
September 10.0.0 Features & Fixes KS & KSE
October 10.0.1 Patches KSE
November 10.0.2 Patches KSE
December 10.1.0 Features & Fixes KS & KSE
  • Quarterly Updates: To streamline our development process and enhance our product’s stability, we’re shifting to quarterly updates. This approach will provide a balanced cadence of new features, improvements, and fixes, ensuring each version brings value without overwhelming our users.

  • Monthly Updates for Katalon Studio Enterprise: In addition to our regular quarterly updates, we will also roll out monthly updates focused on bug fixes and minor improvements. This ensures that any critical issues are addressed promptly, keeping the platform running smoothly and efficiently.

  • Annual Major Releases: Look forward to one major release each year! This release will include significant new features and changes, shaping the direction of our product for the year ahead.

Why This Matters? This shift allows us to align more closely with your needs and the evolving landscape of our industry. By adopting semantic versioning, we aim to make our update process as clear and predictable as possible. Quarterly updates will ensure that we’re delivering meaningful improvements regularly, while monthly updates will maintain the quality and stability you’ve come to expect. This structured schedule gives our team a consistent framework to work towards and our users a clear understanding of when new features and fixes will be available.

When’s this changing? We’ll be switching to monthly bug updates in July after the release of 9.7

The next major release will be 10.x which will have the Selenium 4 upgrade and it is scheduled for late September/October.

Warm Regards;
The Studio Team


When the update driver issue is going to be fixed? It doesn’t work. I had to downgrade my Katalon to have my scripts running

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Hi @hemant , Please look into Unable to update chrome web driver for chrome version 121 - #6 by yann.sautreuil.ext

Could you create a new topic or open a support ticket and tag me on it? The most important item is what error it states so that we can troubleshoot it.

As of 8.6.9 it has an improved way of downloading the correct driver. This issue shouldn’t happen in the last few releases of 9.x

Philip B

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Hi, it worked with 9.4.0.
However there are other issues related to integration. For some reason it doesn’t allow me to create a ticket. One I have raised in the forum. Can I get some help in that? Issues like Jira integration and browserstack integration are a blocker for my company

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