Guide for KRE DevOP license

  • Katalon Studio Version: 7.x.x
  • OS Version: Linux
  • Browser Version: Chrome

Our org bought a KRE DevOp license and he grant some members into this org. So how do we use KRE DevOps in this case?
I assume that we will ask owner who is owner (pay for license) to create API-Key and we can run katalon via console on Jenkins

Looking for your response asap


Hi @nvdoanh

Please follow this guide to grant, and manage Katalon Runtime Engine online license:

Thanks for quick response. I read the guide already.
We’re using docker container for CI so the guide requires to login to Katalon. I think it’s an issue. And how to bypass this step
o run Katalon Studio or Katalon Studio Enterprise with Katalon Runtime Engine, you need to:

  1. Log in to your Katalon account on Katalon Studio.

To add member and grant license, you only need to navigate:

The step:

  1. Log in to your Katalon account on Katalon Studio.

is the guide to generate katalonc command using Katalon Studio. It’s not the required step to use Katalon Runtime Engine.

When I logged in as a member ( I have trial license ), but I would like to use the organization API for official run. How to get that? I need to ask owner to generate api-key and re-use for further run on Jenkins?



If you are a member of an organization, you can use the licenses of that organization with your API key. Just ask the owner to create an organization and invite you.

It’s great because I just have confusion between personal license (trial) and organization one. I think it should me merged with organization’s license instead.

Thanks a lot.


You can switch between your personal org and your enterprise org using the Command Generator dialog

Hello everyone,

You’re recommended to read this announcement regarding the consolidation of both Katalon Runtime Engine DevOps and Floating licenses into one licensing offering, Floating .



Once I run the test via KRE, the execution shows that 434 test cases in total but only 363 from JUnit report. Can you please let me know how it does?
