Git remote repository on file server

Dear all,

Do we have any workaround to reach a remote git repository that sits on a file server in our local network? (like file:///)
It seems I can only use http and ssh protocols, and couldn’t find any working syntax for the file server.

Plan B, using pure git bash and control the versions behind Katalon, but it would be very nice to have it integrated.

(I am looking for free solutions first. github is blocked by our proxy for security reasons)


“PlanB” (git command in bash) would suffice. You can create a git remote repository on a file sever by git command.

# you log in to the file server, cd to the target directory
$ git init --bare --shared
Initialized empty shared Git repository in //192.168.XX.XX/path/to/gitrepo

Those who have access to the file server can do git clone:

$ git clone //192.168.XX.XX/path/to/gitrepo
Cloning into 'gitrepo'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.

For more info, ask google with “git bare shared file server”

Okey, than Plan B it is.
I’ve always wanted to improve my git skills;>

thank you

Or you can create a GitLab server on your on-premise server for free.

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Thanks for the advice. Sounds easy, but I should go through some internal workflows and authorisation procedures and what not in my company that I try to avoid for a while:\

In my opinion, your organization loses a lot by restricting themselves away from GitHub.