[Forum Recap] Let's take a look back at Q3 2023

Hi Community members, :wave:

Another quarter has passed. And so, it is time for us to take a look back at how our community perform in Q3 2023, as well as some of the highlights!

Specifically, last quarter we generated 428 topics and 3,2k posts. In comparison to Q3 2022, there were a tad bit more topics created (498 topics) but there were only 2,4k posts.

1. Most active members in Q3 2023

These are the members who gain the most Kudos in the last quarter.

As a token of our appreciation, each of you will receive an extra 50 Kudos.

2. Most helpful members in Q3 2023.

These are the members who provided 3 or more solutions in the last quarter.

Member Number of solutions provided
@kazurayam 5
@Monty_Bagati 4
@Elly_Tran 3
@kreno 3

As a token of our appreciation for your effort in helping other members, each of you will receive an extra 150 Kudos.

3. New users of the month in Q3 2023

These are the members who have acquired New User of the Month badge in the month of July, August, and September 2023.

@Amine.Der, @ruelasmoy, @dineshh, @ankish, @akshay.sarve, @udeepak

4. Up-and-coming TL3 users

For these members, it is only a few steps away from achieving the Trust Level 3 (TL3) status, which not only unlock the Lounge area (reserved for TL3 and TL4 members), but also a whole lot of other capabilities as well!

@grylion54, @Dave_Evers, @guy.mason, and @Dan_Bown

Feel free to reach out to our @team by sending a Personal Message on tips and tricks on how you can become a Trust Level 3 user! :wink:

:information_source: See what you can do as a TL3 member


5. Top topics within Q3 2023

These topics were collected based on their reply counts.

Some of these topics have been solved, which may act as a good source of reference for any members who may be encountering similar issues. While others are there for you to chime in and have fun conversing with other members.

For Trust Level 0 and Trust Level 1 members. If you are aiming move up the Trust Level ladder (and gain more Kudos along the way), then we encourage you to take a look at the topics above, along with the topics on our “Budding Topics" banner, as well as any other unanswered topics in the forum.

How to see unanswered topics on the forum?

To see a list of unanswered topics, especially in the New section, follow the steps below…

  1. On our homepage, click on “New” to go see the newest topics created.

  2. Then on the Nav bar below the “Budding Topics” banner, click on the Any status dropdown, and choose “Unanswered”.

  3. Start engaging with the posters of those topics, and watch your Kudos rising! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

We would also like to welcome our second Category Moderator, @Monty_Bagati, who will be working alongside our team and @guy.mason to moderate the content on the forum, and keeping our forum running smoothly.

Community Challenge

Many of our badges remain “un-acquired", hence, for Q4 2023, we are running a small challenge in which you will get to win a little (or a lot) more extra Kudos! :gift:

:information_source: Learn more about the challenge by visiting this topic: Community Challenge - Q4 2023

Thank you for keeping our Community great! :sunglasses:


Please note that it could take from 10 minutes up to 24 hours for your actual Kudos amount to be reflected in your profile and on the Kudos Board.


Updated to also reflected @Monty_Bagati’s achievement as one of our most helpful members in Q3 2023.

If you happen to have 3 or more than 3 solutions within Q3 2023, then do let us know since the forum’s reporting tool can sometimes return incorrect readings.
