[Community Upgrade] How to update your email & notifications settings

Hi Community members! :wave:

What happened?

We’ve been informed that some of our members have been receiving an overwhelming number of emails updates following our Community Upgrade.

The issues

After looking into it, we discovered that the reason this happened was two-fold:

  1. The category notification level was set to “Watching”

  2. The following email setting under User Preference was set to “Always” or “Only when away”

Hence, when we migrated the topics from smaller subcategories to their parent categories e.g. General Discussion → Katalon Recorder, members who had both options above enabled ended up receiving lots of emails informing them of new topics, replies, etc. appearing in respective categories.

As we didn’t anticipate this would happen, we sincerely apologize for any convenience that this might have caused.

How to update your notification setting?

We’d also like to take this chance to show you a bit more about Discourse’s notification levels and where you can configure them.

Topic Notification

You can change the notification level of any individual topic by clicking on the bell icon at the bottom of each topic, or on the right-hand side by the date scroller (for long topics).

Screen Recording 2022-07-06 at 14.12.20

Category Notification

You can change the notification level of individual categories (and subcategories) by clicking on the bell icon at the top of the topic list inside respective categories.

Screen Recording 2022-07-06 at 14.17.17

You can also set the category notification level from User Preferences > Notifications > Categories

Tags Notification

You can now set notification level for tags as well by going to User Preferences > Notifications >Tags

For more information, you can refer to Discourse’s Guide.