When installing and downloading Katalon do you add to a local path or one drive and why?

When installing and downloading Katalon do you add to a local path or one drive and why?Whats the best thing to do and why?


I assume you mean one drive to be https://onedrive.live.com

You should install Katalon into local path which is NOT mapped to OneDrive.

Do you ask me why? I would rather like to ask you which. Do you install Eclipse or Visual Studio into a local path that is mapped to OneDrive ? Nobody would do so It will just consume the cloud storage while resulting you no benefit.


Thank you for responding.

I would think if anything happen it would always be in the cloud. Just in case anything happen to my PC.

I only ask because one person at my company have it on Onedrive and one the local.


Please try anything yourself. I would be grateful if you report your findings here.


I imagine that this would allow one to run a program on basically any machine since all the installation files are now on the “cloud” and readily accessible. Though I still can’t imagine if doing that would affect the performance of the program?

simply use git to store your projects.
push the changes often.
or if you like, sure, store your projects in one drive if you are lazy to commit and push.
but to ‘install’ Katalon himself on one-drive volume is silly.
do you keep your entire ProgramFiles in one drive?
If something goes wrong with your machine, download katalon again on the new one, log in with your credentials, git clone and all is good

Well Thank you for your input! I actually connected to GIT this week and will start doing just that! Thank you