When creating a global variable using existing variable's prefix messing up the existing variable used in test cases

I have been using Katalon Studio for a long time in my project. My current version is 7.8.2

There is a very annoying issue. We have a team of 3 testers who are working on the same project in different modules. I have my global variable created with the name “Company_Branch_Surrey” and I have been using this variable in all my test cases. Later other tester created another variable named “Company_Branch_TestBranch”. It messed up all my test cases. The later variable has replaced my existing variable in test cases and changed it to “Company_Branch_TestBranch_Surrey”. So annoying

I had to manually fix the variable in all my test cases.

How would your work be affected if this issue has not been resolved?

  1. It doesn’t affect much, but I believe Katalon team should have this ticket resolved
  2. I can continue my job, resolving this ticket can boost my performance
  3. I can continue my job, but my performance is lower than expected

Screenshots / Videos

  • Please attach screenshots or videos if necessary to reproduce the issue

Already Existing Variable:


Newly Created Variable:


Replaced my existing variable inside the test cases

If this issue can be resolved, that would be a great help

What did your team member do?

  1. He/she ADDED a GlobalVariable Company_Branch_TestBranch into the Profile Qasecurity01 while leaving the GlobalVariable Company_Branch_Surrey untouched
  2. He/she RENAMED the GlobalVariable Company_Branch_Surrey to a new name Company_Branch_TestBranch resulting the GlobalVariable Company_Branch_Surrey is no longer there in the Profile Qasecurity01

Which is the case?

Case 1 - 1. He/she ADDED a GlobalVariable Company_Branch_TestBranch into the Profile Qasecurity01 while leaving the GlobalVariable Company_Branch_Surrey untouched

If the case 2, Yes, Katalon Studio will automatically renames the variables in test case scripts.

However in the case 1, I don’t think Katalon Studio will do it.

I do not understand your case yet.

I guess, your team member manually renamed the variables. No?

No way My team member didn’t change the variable in 50 test cases manually. It was changed automatically. I also tried the other way. I have changed the Company_Branch_Surrey variable in qasecurity01 profile and it has replaced the other variable Company_Branch_TestBranch inside the test cases as well.

Really, strange.

If it is the case, looks a bug.

@duyluong, @ThanhTo

Yes it is a bug indeed

I tried to reproduce your case on my side, but I couldn’t. I am rather afraid that the Katalon Team may also find it difficult to reproduce your case.

Your case may have something special. Could you investigate it a bit more and find the condition?

Sure, but try at your end as well @Katalon_team

Maybe you can do another “test” of KS changing all similar Global Variables? Create another GV called Company_Branch_Burnaby and see if either Company_Branch_TestBranch or Company_Branch_Surrey or Company_Branch_TestBranch_Surrey get altered. I can understand if Case 2 was done (that’s what is supposed to happen) but not for Case 1. It reminds me of the days when only the first 8 characters were looked at.

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