Unable to execute test suites as it seems execution get hangs in between

Unable to execute test suites as it seems execution get hangs in between as it stuck since last 1 hours even on mobile the networks looks fine and stable

Hi @Ashwini_Kumar,

Do individual tests hang as well, or is it just the suite?

– Chris

Hi Chris,

It is just test suite… I noticed this issue very rarely. It was first time hang.

I am facing the similar issue. Unable to execute the Test suite collection which has test cases around 80
Execution got stuck after running 55 test cases.
Can any one please let me know what will cause this issue.

Katalon Version I am using : 7.0.4
strong textWeb Testing

Hi Team,

I am also facing same issues most of the times when i execute the test cases form Test suite.

Can anyone please let me know what is the fix for this issue.

I am using Katalon 7.8. Version.

Select “Katalon Studio Help > Error Log”

It will show something like this

This .log file gives you messages of something serious, unusual that may cause KS to hang. Look at the bottom of the .log and find something informative. That would/could give some idea to those who are experienced enough.

I am facing the same issue, I just kept the 15 test case in suite while running the last test case it’s hanged up of hours Until I stop the suite. now I have to run again passed test case too :frowning:
I am using katalon version 6.8.0