Similar objects are confused by WebRecorder, even with different html IDs

I encounter some limitations of WebRecorder as for some icons, it absolutely want to merge them, even if they have different html ID.
And as in WebRecorder, we cannot create new object, I have to go back in katalon, copy/paste Object, and manually edit xpath in order to get several objects to interact with :grimacing:

I suppose Katalon recorder is merging these different objects because they have same icon (the green checkbox).
You can see on these snapshots that Webrecorder does well recognise different xpath (HFGRA4 instead of HFGRA2) :

Bellow you can find html code of the 3 different objects which are confused by Webrecorder, even if they have different id :

<div id="a_HFGRA0-ID_FEN0-IMG_ENTREE-1_id" class="a-bitmap a-widget" style="position: absolute; top: 360px; left: 520px; width: 120px; height: 120px; z-index: 2147483457; visibility: inherit;" a-wuid-val="HFGRA0-ID_FEN0-IMG_ENTREE-1" _dijitmenua_hfgra0-id_fen0-ctxmnuimg_entree-1_id="1"><img style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="/reflex/WagonServlet?action=GET_UNLIMITED_CACHE&amp;hash=A38E11BD9726BD4DA80AC3E78968C4A3&amp;WagonNodeId=sgecrfxap02.fmlogistic.fr_18100"></div>

<div id="a_HFGRA2-ID_FEN0-IMG_ENTREE-1_id" class="a-bitmap a-widget" style="position: absolute; top: 360px; left: 520px; width: 120px; height: 120px; z-index: 2147483467; visibility: inherit; background-position: -520px -360px;" a-wuid-val="HFGRA2-ID_FEN0-IMG_ENTREE-1" _dijitmenua_hfgra2-id_fen0-ctxmnuimg_entree-1_id="1"><img style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="/reflex/WagonServlet?action=GET_UNLIMITED_CACHE&amp;hash=A38E11BD9726BD4DA80AC3E78968C4A3&amp;WagonNodeId=sgecrfxap02.fmlogistic.fr_18100"></div>

<div id="a_HFGRA4-ID_FEN0-IMG_ENTREE-1_id" class="a-bitmap a-widget" style="position: absolute; top: 360px; left: 520px; width: 120px; height: 120px; z-index: 2147483427; visibility: inherit; background-position: -520px -360px;" a-wuid-val="HFGRA4-ID_FEN0-IMG_ENTREE-1" _dijitmenua_hfgra4-id_fen0-ctxmnuimg_entree-1_id="1"><img style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" src="/reflex/WagonServlet?action=GET_UNLIMITED_CACHE&amp;hash=A38E11BD9726BD4DA80AC3E78968C4A3&amp;WagonNodeId=sgecrfxap02.fmlogistic.fr_18100"></div>

When recording action with web recorder, it record 3 clicks on the same object which has these properties (xpath of first clicked object) :

You can edit objects while recording:

I think this is the feature you are missing…


Hello danzaaa981,
yes, I know that I can modify xpath of recorded objects

But it does not solve my problem because when recording actions, recorder uses the same Object for 2 different html elements.
Example here with step10 and step 12 which does not interact with same html element, but which has been merged in same Object by webrecorder :

When I have 2 steps whose interact with these both html elements, only one of these steps can pass.
Indeed, if step10 has good xpath for the first html element, then my use case will fail in step12.
If I try to modify xpath to be able to patch step12, I will in fact edit same object than step10, and step10 will fail at next execution…

no more ideas to help me using webrecorder in order to capture similar but different objects ?
I found another post talking about same problem than me, but it is quite older :

I can’t advise you about the recorder, I never use it.
I can advise you about Test Objects. You can edit them and fix the problems.