Record same instructions for different objecs


I have an html page with 2 same texts. For example:

<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Other text</p>
<p>Hello World</p>.

I recorded the 2 different texts with the record interface of Katalon Studio.
But it is recorded two times the same line for the 2 different objects.

So, if i replay the recorded scenario with this page, the test is ok, but in reality, it is not:

<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Other text</p>
<p>Hello Everybody</p>.

Could you optimize the record?

Thank a lot,

Hi Chivet,

Correct me if i’m wrong here, i understand that you have some thing like

Hello World

Other text

Hello World


When you record different text, for example:
Hello World and Other text

it’s record the Hello World 2 times ?

If that is not correct kindly send us a video on the use case.



When I have this:

Hello World

Other text

Hello World

I recorded the test : verify object 1 = “Hello world”, verfiy object 2 = “Other texte”, verify object 3 = “Hello world”.
In the test saved, i had : verify object 1 = “Hello world”, verfiy object 2 = “Other texte”, verify object 1 = “Hello world”.

Hope this help.

Hi @chivet,

Could you please provide us with the video you record the test?

Nam Nguyen.


There are 4 identical lines.
The recorder records 4x the same object when I record the 4 different lines.
Change the last line in html by “Toto” and run this test : the test will be successed, but it will be wrong.

Best regards.