Save page objects without a new folder

I am not sure if I am doing something wrong here but when using the spy tool on a page I already have a folder of test objects for; Katalon wont let me save just the new object to the old folder.
It always wants to create a new folder. What am I doing wrong? or is this just how it is?
Its annoying to then have to drag my new object out of the new folder in to the old one and then delete the new folder.

The UI is a little confusing but it can be done. After clicking ‘Save’ in the Object Spy dialog, be sure to uncheck ‘Create new folder(s) as page’s name’ in the Add Element to Object Repo window. Then select your old folder in the right panel and click OK. It should add all the selected new objects from the right panel to your existing folder, even though it still shows the folder checked on the left.


Great, thank you