Sample katalon mobile project not working

Hi my dear friends, recently i try to test the demo mobile app which was provided by katlon. Im unable to execute the test cases. it saying start exception. i followed the already provided katalon solution, but nothing works to me. verify alarm message test case. i dont know why. i need ur help. my appium verson is 2.0 and im using trail version of katalon studio


Can you please show us the root cause error?

recently i found the answer for the issue. but now im facing another issue running my mobile web browser.

can you please help this.?


The error states the not-found Chromedriver. Please follow the following steps:

  1. Ensure that you have installed the ChromeDriver appropriate for your mobile device’s Chrome version. You can download the latest ChromeDriver from the official website: Downloads - ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome
  2. Once you have downloaded the ChromeDriver executable, place it in the appropriate location where Katalon Studio can find it. For Windows, it should be in the Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.x.x\configuration\resources\drivers\chromedriver_win64 folder.
  3. Restart Katalon Studio to apply the changes.
  4. Make sure you have set up the correct Mobile capabilities in Katalon Studio for testing with a mobile web browser. Ensure that the ChromeDriver path is correctly configured in your desired capabilities.

Please make sure you have the correct ChromeDriver version and that it is placed in the right location. Thanks!

The last Chrome browser is v115.x.x.x

The ChromeDriver for v115.x.x.x is not distributed via Downloads - ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome as the page tells you

You are supposed to visite the new site : Chrome for Testing availability

See also As of Chrome 115, Tools > Update WebDrivers > Chrome no longer works

yes… new site should be used

but for latest version,chromedriver is not released.

.So this , im not able run in mob browser.

Hi all,

The issue with latest Chrome version has been acknowledged. Please refer As of Chrome 115, Tools > Update WebDrivers > Chrome no longer works - #6 by Elly_Tran.

Thank you!

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Hi folks, :wave:

Our Product team has addressed this issue with the recently released August 18, 2023 update to the Katalon Platform :point_down:


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hi, can you share your solution to resolve this issue with mobile project?

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