[Recap] Advance your Test Automation Skills with the Katalon Certifications Program 🚀


Hi Community members :wave:

Thank you very much for tuning into our recent webinar hosted by our Academy team, along with our two speakers and Katalon-certified experts - Kalpana Kukreja (@kirankukreja51) and Sanket Dudhe (@sanket.dudhe) - to share with you all about the Katalon Certifications Program.

With over 300 registrations, and more than 200 people turned up, our webinar was a success, and we hope that you were able to learn a lot from our two speakers, and are now more ready than ever to take advantage of the Katalon Certifications program to boost your testing careers!

For those of you who were not able to join, then don’t worry, because we are including a recap of the webinar session below :point_down:

We will also be updating this thread with all the questions and answers during the webinar, so stay tuned!

Once again, thank you very much to the Academy team (@viet.nguyen) and our two speakers Kalpana and Sanket, for making this webinar a success. And we hope to see you again in future webinars! :rocket:

Q: Why hasn’t Katalon managed to become as popular as Selenium?

A: Thank you for your question. Selenium’s greater popularity over Katalon Studio largely comes from being open-source, supporting multiple programming languages, and its extensive community and ecosystem, making it highly adaptable and widely accepted in diverse development environments. Katalon Studio, while user-friendly and offering robust features out of the box, is a commercial product with a more targeted audience, which might limit its widespread adoption in the broader developer community.

Q: I see that some Certification criteria requires me to have access to paid Katalon products such as Katalon Runtime Engine, can I get access to them for a short time just to complete my certification without having to pay (a lot)?

A: Purchases are not required to get certified by Katalon. However, please note that the Professional and Expert certifications require using Katalon Studio Enterprise and TestCloud, which requires license purchasing. But you will get a 30-day free trial upon your account registration to use these solutions. Please make use of this period to meet the criteria of the high-level certificates.

You can also get free access to Katalon’s solutions for up to 6 months by taking advantage of the Kudos Rewards Program. Learn more at:

Q: Do I need to complete all three Certifications?

A: You do not need to complete all three Certifications. The three types actually help you oversee and experience the whole Katalon suite. Each level is not prerequisite and precedented to others.

Q: How much time will take me to learn how to use all of Katalon’s solutions?

A: It actually depends on each person. The certification program helps you learn faster through gamification stimulation environment. Based on historical data, we would say that each level of certification is averagely achieved after 200-250 hours.

Q: Why do the certificates expire? And what can I do when they do?

A: The certification reflects the actual usage of our users. Our product team is improving Katalon every day as well as new practices are discovered and shared by our community. When the certification expires you can continue use the products to fulfill the criteria to achieve the newest, most up-to-date ones.

Q: Is there a way to link multiple email addresses? For example I’m at a client using katalon, but let’s say in a year I am no longer there?

A: Yes, one unique email will serve as each unique user. However, please note that your product usage is also adhered to each account that you use.

Q: Will there be a learning path for Mobile Testing Automation (iOS/Android)?

A: There is one that is in the work. Please stay tuned on our forum to get the latest updates of when it comes out.

Q: I have completed successfully Katalon Practitioner certificate. But, I am unable to complete the Professional Level certification because my free trial has expired. Is there any option to complete it successfully?

A: You can get free access to Katalon’s solutions for up to 6 months by taking advantage of the Kudos Rewards Program. Learn more at:

Q: We don’t have a TestCloud license. Instead we’re running Katalon via Jenkins using our Runtime Engine. Is it required to have a TestCloud license to complete the certifications?

A: Purchases are not required to get certified by Katalon. However, please note that the Professional and Expert certifications require using Katalon Studio Enterprise and TestCloud, which requires license purchasing. But you will get a 30-day free trial upon your account registration to use these solutions. Please make use of this period to meet the criteria of the high-level certificates.

You can also get free access to Katalon’s solutions for up to 6 months by taking advantage of the Kudos Rewards Program. Learn more at:

Q: Executing the same test case in two different browsers would count as 2 test executions? Or it is still 1?

A: Executing the same test case in two different browsers would count as 2 test executions in Katalon Studio.

Q: Using the Web Recording in Katalon, is it neccessary to navigate the login page to execute/ verify behaviour in home page for example? Or can it possibly direct to the homepage and execute the test case?

A: It is generally advisable to navigate through the login page to reach the homepage before executing or verifying behaviors. Skipping the login page and directly accessing the homepage might overlook crucial functionality related to user authentication and session management, leading to incomplete or inaccurate test results.

Therefore, it’s recommended to follow the typical user flow, starting from the login page, to ensure comprehensive test coverage. However, you can also record the actions from the active browser as well from any desired page.

Q: What if I am user1@company1.com permanently, but I also work at Company 2 as contractor, which uses Katalon. But all my work is linked to user1@company2.com. So, if I register as company1, it will not see any of my work. If I register as company2, it will see my work, but when I go to company3 later there will not be a way to track my previous work

A: Each email is an unique user. And, of course your work is matched with the user you log in.

Q: Can we get Katalon Certifications by completing the My Quiz section in each course, or is it a mandatory to use the Katalon Platform?

A: This is certification for your actual usage. This is different from course completion program. Please read more below:

Q: What are some limitations of Katalon Studio, or the Katalon Platform, that I should be aware of?

A: For a comprehensive overview of the Katalon Platform, you can read more here:

About Katalon Platform | Katalon Docs

Q: Can I still get the certified with Katalon’s “free plan”?

A: Purchases are not required to get certified by Katalon. However, please note that the Professional and Expert certifications require using Katalon Studio Enterprise and TestCloud, which requires license purchasing. But you will get a 30-day free trial upon your account registration to use these solutions. Please make use of this period to meet the criteria of the high-level certificates.

You can also get free access to Katalon’s solutions for up to 6 months by taking advantage of the Kudos Rewards Program. Learn more at:

Q: Is there any way to run the testcase with multiple test data?

A: Yes you can definitely use external data file and use it to in a test case. We have a course completely dedicated on data driven testing below:

Q: Why are there less Katalon-based positions on offer compare to Selenium?

A: Selenium skill sets are very broad. Selenium hiring silos are in C#, Ruby, Java, JS, Python. so when you see Selenium reqs… its really in one of those silos that you see it in. - there are a lot of selenium jobs out there. But having Katalon certifications make you more valuable to the market and the rates for Katalon jobs are typically higher because a smaller number of people know that skill set.

Q: Will we get certification of participation by attending this webinar other than certifications that offered through courses?

A: Unfortunately, we do not offer Certification via webinars participation.

You would need to have a Katalon account, and then use the Katalon Platform in your daily testing projects, as well as enroll in Katalon Academy courses to be able to get certified. Learn more below:

Q: Will there be any recorded session or demo related to Desktop Automation Testing?

A: We do not have one to date. but it is a great idea. and we will put that in our roadmap.