[Quiz] Geek Pride Day 🎁

**Q: [Mystery Sound 1] You are about to hear a Windows Startup Sound, can you guess which version of Windows that it was originally intended for? **

The correct answer for this question is Windows 8. To find the hidden startup sound file, just copy this file path and paste it in your File Explorer (if you have a Windows 10 and 11 machine): C:\windows\media and then open the Windows Logon.wav file.

The idea for this question came to mind after I listened to the Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast series about Windows startup sounds (if you did not know, Twenty Thousand Hertz revolves around the stories of the sounds we hear all the time). The episode in question were: β€œTa-da! It’s Windows" and β€œWindows_Logon.wav”.

You can here about how the Windows 8’s startup sound came to be, and how it got hidden at the 3:05 minute mark…

I also recommend you to listen to the previous episode for more context…

To the members that got this questions right (@anas.chammam, @akshayhiremath.s, @snehitha.muthulur, @guy.mason, @novino_dragon, @Arnel, @ashu10aug04, @salesforcetestingguy, @hemant.mishra.extern and @kreno), did you have to look up how each version of Windows startup sounds sound like before answering this question? :smirk:

Also, what is the Windows startup sound that give you the most sense of nostalgia or that you like the most?