Happy International Women's Day - March 8, 2023

Hi Community members! :wave:

Today, let’s celebrate and express our appreciation to all the women who have made a positive impact in our lives, whether it is your friends, co-workers, family members, or significant others. Feel free to comment below any wishes or messages that you’d like to send to our female members of our community! :heart:

And a little fun fact, did you know that some of the courses on Katalon Academy were created by one of our female Academy instructors, Kalpana Kukreja (@kirankukreja51)? You can check out her beginner-friendly courses below:

:pushpin: A Path to Test Automation Success: Dos and Don'ts - Katalon Academy
:pushpin: https://academy.katalon.com/courses/web-browser-functions/

Thank you very much, Kalpana, and we hope you’ll continue to produce insightful courses to help others in their journeys to automation testing! :sunglasses:

We’d also like to give a big shout-out to our fellow female Katalians for their hard work and dedication to delivering better experiences for our Katalon users! (Note that the members below are just the tip of the iceberg and that we have many more female Katalians across our company whom we are greatly appreciated of