Question about version 6.20.rc1 in regards to Appium

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Katalon IOS issue description

Unfortunately we face issues during on the way to implement tests for IOS application. The issue is we can’t get some of the elements on the screen to operate. This blocks any further test implementation.

Example: Picture 1

As you can see, the whole plate with the addresses (green rectangle) presented as XCUIElementTypeTable with no content in it, there is nothing to operate with.

And such examples are everywhere in the application.

Research results:

The cause of this behavior is obsolete Appium version that we have to use within the Katalon.

Unfortunately Katalon restricted to Appium’s version 1.8.1 and there is no plans (Appium 1.9.0+ support) to update it.



To prove the findings, take a look at the same application using same setup but with Appium Studio with latest Appium onboard: Picture 2