Q&A section for Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College

Hi there, I see many of the students from Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College sending emails to our team regarding the certifications. So I created this space for everyone to ask their questions and get support.

Please log in with your Katalon account, ask your concern below, and provide screenshots of your product usage (for example, the number of created variables in Katalon Studio).



I will create 10 variable but only update 2 so I didn’t able download certificate pls help me sir

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Hi Sathya , :wave:

Thank you for sharing with us about your issue. Could you help to provide a screenshot of your Certification progress dashboard so that Viet can support you better?


variable only update two pls check sir today is last day in katalon so,pls check immediately sir


I see that many of you are having trouble with variable creation. Please send me the screenshots of the variables you created in your Katalon Studio. In the meantime, please try to create some more to see if it updates on your dashboard.

@csathya5143 As @viet.nguyen suggested, kindly share how you are creating variables in test cases to help out further.

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I see more people reaching out via email regarding variables. Some have completed the Practitioner, and moving on to the Professional one.

That said, those who haven’t met the variables requirement, please send me the image of the variables you created in Katalon Studio so that I can investigate further.

In the meantime, please create more variables in Katalon Studio. Here is a course that might help: Increase Test Reusability & Maintainability with Variables in Katalon