[KShare] How to Migrate Repositories across platforms for Integration with Katalon Studio

Hi Community members, :wave:

Have you ever wondered how to migrate a repository from one platform, like BitBucket, to another, like GitHub?

In this article, we will not only guide you through the entire migration process but also show you how to seamlessly clone that repository in Katalon Studio, ensuring that your projects are up and running smoothly on the new platform.

Let us first consider a scenario where we have a repository on Bitbucket that needs to be migrated to GitHub and then cloned into Katalon Studio:

1. To do this, we will start by creating a new โ€œPrivateโ€œ repository on GitHub.

2. After that, please open a terminal at any location in your machine and run the below commands:

git clone --mirror** *BITBUCKET_REPO_HTTPS_URL_HERE


git remote set-url --push origin GITHUB_REPO_HTTPS_URL_HERE
git push --mirror

3. Then please refresh your GitHub repository and you will see the migrated repository.

4. After that, you can follow the below documentations to clone your newly migrated repository:

For a clearer understanding of the steps outlined above, please watch the video below:

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Thank you the Product Support team (@support.squad) and Bhavyansh Ameta (@bhavyansh.ameta) for another helpful article!

Bhavyansh Ameta (@bhavyansh.ameta) - Junior Product Support Specialist
Bhavyansh is a Junior Product Support Specialist at Katalon who utilizes his technical expertise to assist users with intelligent solutions. His passion for delivering exceptional support is not just about providing answers but fostering a positive and empowering user experience.

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Thanks for the nice share!!