Katalon Professional and Practitioner Level Certifications

Hello Team,

I have started creating and executing test cases in Katalon Studio in order to progress and achieve Professional and Practitioner Level Certifications. However, I am able to see that the Certifications Dashboard or the tracker in Katalon Academy is not reflecting the test case creation statuses. Could anyone please review the data and help me so that the progress status reflects or gets updated accurately helping me to achieve the Certifications?

I have pasted the screenshots as required:

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Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Hi there. When did you create these tests and how did you do it (did you create from scratch or import)?

I am using both the record & play options and script mode, and afterward, making some changes using script mode. All the test scripts were created with my email ID. Now, I am aware that Katalon offers certification, so I am using my personal email ID for that. Is there any problem with this?

The email you’re using to keep track on Katalon Academy and the email you’re using to log in to Katalon products must be the same.

The other thing to note is that we only take the product data in the last 12 months for certifications. So if you create these test cases in 2021, it wouldn’t count.

Lastly, if you copy-paste or import test cases, it won’t count. You must create them from scratch.

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Hi there @ravi97691, :wave:

We believe that your question and @viet.nguyen’s answer could help those who are having the same situation on the forum. That said, would it be okay for you if we turn this message thread into a normal one so that other members can view?



understand, Thanks for the reply.

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