Katalon Dark mode is difficult to read

Hello I am using Katalon version 9.2.0. I wanted to switch to dark mode but the script in dark mode is difficult to read as the black text is displayed on gray background. Is this a bug or do I have to do some configuration?

Please give a fix as soon as possible as this looks horrible and unreadable.


Hi Saras, :wave:

Welcome to Katalon Community!

Thank you very much for your topic. I am going to tag a member of our Studio team here so that they can look into it (@xuan.tran and @Elly_Tran).


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Hi @saras.sangle,
Sorry that you are experiencing this issue. Pls go to Preferences > Appearance and change the theme to Dark, it should work normally as the previous version.


This looks better, thanks!!


Hi folks,

I am assuming that the issue has been resolved via @xuan.tran’s comment above. Hence, I will proceed to close this topic up.

If you would like to reopen this topic (maybe you found another error or bug), simply send me a personal message.

Thanks, :sunglasses:

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