Is it possible to record video, if testcase is more than 100 minutes long?

I do not know if you can tune the video longer than 100minutes.

It looks too slow to me. If you could make your test to run faster than 100 minutes, your issue will be solved. Therefore you should try to tune your tests to run faster.

There could be a lot of possible factors that slow down your tests; notably

  1. Your project has the “Smart Wait” option ON, which may make your test wait to long (30 seconds). You should not use it. See Test execution is very slow - #20 by kazurayam

  2. Your project has a lot of WebUI.delay(X) statements; which could be replaced with WebUI.waitForElementPresent(testObject, timeout) and other keywords which would run far faster than WebUI.delay(X).

  3. Opening browser is taking long due to some network-related issues.

See also Speeding up test execution in Katalon Studio - #2 by kazurayam