Speeding up test execution in Katalon Studio

  1. Read the Execution Log in detail. Find out in the Log which step of execution takes long time, or which step is executed repeatedly and as a sum takes long. Without good study of the log, you wouldn’t be able to make your test faster.
  2. Use Headless browser, rather than Headed browser. Headless browser runs a bit quicker than the Headed one. See Headless Browsers Execution | Katalon Docs
  3. Check if you use WebUI.delay(some fixed seconds). If yes, you have room to speed up your test. Replace WebUI.delay(n) with other WebUI.waitFor... keywords that accept timeout as argument. Using the timeout, you can minimize the delay.
  4. You can make your test run far faster by reducing the amout of messages displayed in the Log Viewer. See Log Viewer slows down your tests. How to prevent it? I suppose that, if you close the Log Viewer completely so that no log messages are displayed, then your test will run faster: 15 minutes => 2 minutes.
  5. You may want to configure the project so that it disables TestOps integration and TestCloud integration provided that you do not need them. These services elicit bulky data transfer (test execution log, screenshots, etc) from the local PC to remote servers in the background. These services may force you wait for some minutes in addition to the actual duration of test execution. Be aware, the duration for communicating with TestOps and TestCloud will NOT be recorded in the test execution log. So you would be tricked and wouldn’t notice that the backend services tend to slow your work down.
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