Happy Geek Pride Day! 🎉

The answer to anything dance-music related from the 80s is The KLF :grinning:

As music genres goes, quite diverse, but generationally not as current as it once was, well, in certain genres now anyhow (Spotify is a good anecdote for otherwise no longer keeping track for what is current).

Computing? Well, i’m just a geek. So, whatever really!

In terms of photography, there are pages, but I don’t typically share these kinds of things on forums or the likes. As gear goes, my full-frame DSLR + iPhone 13 Pro are my tools of choice, and if I need to tweak them, then it’s often Photomater / RAW Power on iOS, or ON1 Photo RAW 2023 on macOS.


Sorry for the late reply, my German course left me with no time to breathe :smiling_face_with_tear:

I am listening to this song and it is kind of weird, but in a good way :notes: Never thought hip hop could go that well with house/electronic music.

What do you think of my new “baby”? :point_down:

I believe you must have a Flickr page somewhere. :eyes:

And here I thought I take good pictures with my 3 years old Samsung and a combination of VSCO & Snapseed :rofl:

Justified and Ancient was a massively influential KLF track, and what came from of it / from it even has a wiki page just for it (Justified & Ancient - Wikipedia)

KLF became most infamous for burning a million pounds back in 1994 (K Foundation Burn a Million Quid - Wikipedia)… And they even wrote a book that almost became a How To for a lot of electronic musicians since they published it in the 80s (The Manual (How To Have A Number One The Easy Way) - KLF ONLINE)

Ultimately, they decided in the prime of their success to walk away, withdrew their music from song catalogues, and just ‘disappeared’ for a couple of decades, only returning in the last year or so, but in a much more intentionally low-key way, and to ‘rework’ some of their originals in a unique way.

Nice looking bit of kit there, hopefully the laptop works out well for you!

I do have a Flickr page, I have an Instagram page, I had a 500px page, etc but good luck to you if you can find it! :grinning:

I have VSCO and Snapseed on my devices too, and used to use Snapseed at times in particular, but these days, I much prefer the applications that I mentioned!

Ultimately, with any camera, the most important thing with a camera is the twelve inches behind it! :slight_smile:

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Interesting, one more artist/band on my “To watch” list then :eyes:
If music was a painting, then I am guessing The KLF’s music will resemble that of a surrealist piece.

You are on :triumph:

Couldn’t have said better myself. Though with AI/Computational photography on the rise, I guess soon everyone will be able to take “pro-grade” photos, without being a “pro”? :thinking:

AI / Computational photography is on the rise, as is deep fakes, as is GPT, as is …etc etc.

But human creativity can never be replaced, this isn’t to say AI can’t produce visually beautiful pieces (e.g. when DALL-E isn’t making a horrible mess of something, it can also produce some nice results at times, too), but at the end of the day a computer can only ever rely on a formula / criteria / etc to make an assessment. A person can look at the same thing that might be technically ‘perfect’ and find it repulsive.

In the same way I personally value automation assisted testing, I also value automation (e.g. AI) assisted photography, etc. Photomater and ON1 RAW 2023.5 are great examples of that. They try to ‘intelligently’ work out adjustments / alterations, etc… but at the end of the day the key thing that will make what comes from it something pleasing to others or not will be the person behind it (which is where the 12 inches behind expression still remains just as true).

Luminar, by comparison, went hard on the AI enhancements before most others, and over reached, and ruined their application for anyone who is serious about photography, they made it useful to amateurs, but to anyone more advanced it became irritating to use. Fortunately, they have learnt from their mistakes and Luminar Neo provides a significantly improved balance to also make it more around ‘intelligent’ and ‘smart’ alterations and enhancements, rather than some one-click ‘fix’.

iOS’s Camera app, third-party apps, and likely Android Camera apps have undoubtedly made capturing better exposed, sharper, etc images easier, but they don’t fix image composition, they don’t consider leading lines, they don’t consider subject matter, they don’t care even if its the same angle of the same subject again and again, etc… Only a human can make these decisions right now!

People are trying to use AI to ‘replace’ the need for people to create things themselves, but a computer will only ever replicate what’s its been taught, even with ML this library of data and knowledge may be massive, but it will ultimately follow a formula, follow its programmed logic, etc. This is a genuine limit.

Whether or not society on a broader level actually cares enough about the difference between one and the other is its own matter, and for the masses, potentially not, but to anyone with a keen eye for details, or with a deep knowledge, they’ll be able to pick the cliche over the innovative more often than not.

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