Failed to activate

I have been Katalon Studio free version for 2 to 3 years now. Suddenly I am unable to log in to the Katalon Free version App. I downloaded the latest version, still I am getting the Failed to Activate message when I try to login the App from the browser.

Has this happened to anyone else. Can someone please suggest the solution?

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can you install the latest version and try to activate?

can u delete all your setup files and the redownload and then open the KS

I downloaded the katalon v10. Thats the latest version right?

Tried it, but still getting failed message.

What was the version where everything was working and did it happen after any upgrade? If yes
Could u please try to use the version that is Version 9.2.0 from the below link

Was using version 9 before. I did not notice any upgrades. For version 9, the issue was the message ‘invalid credentials’. So I tried downloading version 10, and when I tried to login with Version 10. I am getting the message Failed to Activate. Deleted all setup files, installed vesion 10. But issue is still present.

@philipB can you help/clarify the above member

hey @neethacjohn08

if the online activation doesn’t works.
you can try the offline activation, I’ve shared the tutorial here: TestOps - Bypass of Disabled Input Fields via HTML Manipulation

Are you on a free version or paid version?

We separated out the versions, there’s a free installer and a paid.

Download this one:

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@neethacjohn08 can you confirm

I am using the free version

Can you send all of the .log files? Its location is at <app-installation-dir>/Contents/Eclipse/configuration/*.log

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katalon logs.docx (55.5 KB)
I have attached the logs here.

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I think you should try logging into your account online. Seems like you’re locked/may need to reset password If it’s an older account, you’ll want to do login by email.

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