I’ve just downloaedl verssion 5.3.0 of Katalon Studio which should support import of Selenium IDE Scripts… however it seems only to work with my most basic scripts. I get an Error “Cannot import Selenium IDE scripts” message without further explanation. Can I debug this? Is there a log? Any help?
As we’ve indicated, this is currently in Beta phase, so there are some scripts can’t be imported successfully. Can I have your original Selenium IDE script?
Vinh Nguyen said:
As we’ve indicated, this is currently in Beta phase, so there are some scripts can’t be imported successfully. Can I have your original Selenium IDE script?
Yes, can you give me your email address then?
Yes please send through vinhnguyen@kms-technology.com email
Vinh Nguyen said:
Yes please send through vinhnguyen@kms-technology.com email
sent you an email with 3 scripts…
Hi Alex,
just have sent you email too with bug in Katalon 5.3.0 to the same reason.
here is one additional bug in import
selenium ide scripts to Katalon 5.3.0.
## OS - Windows10 – 64 bit
## Katalon Studio Version - 5.3.0
**## Steps to
reproduce -
1. Start katalon 5.3.0 on Windows10 64bit and create File–> New Sample
Project --> Sample WebUI Testing Project
**2. Please unzip selenium
ide tests from attachment in email
3. File --> Import Selenium IDE Script
4. Select unzipped file: TestSuite-DRC-GUI-Roles.html and click open.
- Click all time OK on error-dialogs
## Expected Behavior -
Tests are imported
## Actual Behavior -
Endless loop.
Tool can be closed only with process kill in task management
## Screenshots / Videos
Hi, just sent you an email with another Testcase that I struggle to import (this time not an issue with the lenght of the filename). Regards, Markus
I’m facing the same issue here:
1. Exported as Test Suite from Katalon Recorder as .groovy
2. In Katalon-Studio: File -> Import as Selenium IDE Scripts
3. Error: Cannot import Selenium IDE Scripts
So, I followed the instructions described here: http://forum.katalon.com/discussion/5384/exporting-katalon-recorder-test-scripts-for-use-in-katalon-studio
It’s a very simple Test Suite containing one rather short test case, which I wrote only in order to test the import functionality of Katalon Studio.
Has anyone an idea, how to handle this?