Certification Progress Report Issue- i only left to reach 125 TC's creation criteria where i completed 50 TC's but it showing 0

Until Friday, everything was showing correctly, and I’ve diligently worked towards meeting all the requirements for reaching expert level certification. However, I’ve noticed that the results haven’t been updated properly, even for the practitioner level certification.


Hi there @charusheela_kadam,

Welcome to Katalon Community.

Thank you for your question. I will loop in @viet and @hieu.vu from our Academy team in this thread so they will be able to take a look at your issue and support you.


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Hello @albert.vu , I am also experiencing this kind of issue in which my progress in katalon studio is lost, after the data system updated today. I completed the practitioner level certification but the progress of the data indicated in the certification page was lost. I also assume that the expert and professional certification level should be completed, since I did the task last week, can you please look into it. Here are some photos on my end:

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Exact same issue for me as well, progress has disappeared on those criteria.

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Hi @albert.vu ,@viet.nguyen and @hieu.vu,

I have the same issue with my Cetification progress report, until Friday it worked fine.

The below topics have been unmarked, while I already finihed them, pls refer to the black box around them.

Could you please check and update my results?

Thank you.



@albert.vu @viet.nguyen @hieu.vu ,

Any update on this topic?

Hi @a.ezzaiki @shane @johnreyescarl @charusheela_kadam. Thank you for reporting this. We’re investigating the issue. We’ll try our best to make sure that your data is not lost and everything will be updated correctly as it should be. Will keep you guys posted. Thank you for your understanding.


@a.ezzaiki @shane @johnreyescarl @charusheela_kadam please check again your progress. It should be corrrect now. Thanks!

Hi @viet.nguyen, I got the same issue. I ensure that all the testcases I have created one by one. Could you please check it. Much appreciated!

Hi there,

Thank you very much for your topic. Please note that it may take a little while before a member of our community or from Katalon team responds to you.


Hi there. Can you describe the steps you created those test cases? In the meantime, I will double check our system @ndv3670

Steps to create test cases:

  1. Right click on “Test Cases”, select “New”
  2. Click on “Test Case”
  3. Enter the name of “Test Case”, select “Ok”
  4. Click on “Script”, input script for test case
  5. Save

Here are the steps that I created my test cases.
I am looking forward to your response.
Thank you for your help!


Hi @ndv3670. Data have been updated. You should get the certification by now. Please double-check and confirm this. Congrats!