I downloaded katalon 7.7.2 version and I’m receiving error as below
cannot connect to Katalon test ops server. Please check internet connection and try again
I tried with below settings in configuration but it didn’t work still
a) No proxy
b) System proxy
c) Manual proxy
Please let me know how to set up the proxy and activate katalon studio.
I would like to attach the logs , please provide your mail id
Can you please tell me the steps to configure proxy and what needs to be entered.
Version : 7.7.2
Clicking on authentication proxy, I will have three options displayed
a) manual proxy
b) System proxy
c) No proxy.
I selected system proxy -> Same error is displayed. (Cannot connect to katalon test ops server . Please check your internet connection and try again)
No proxy -> same error is displayed(Cannot connect to katalon test ops server . Please check your internet connection and try again)
manual proxy -> Please let me know the steps to configure manual proxy. I have entered IP address and random port number. Is this correct or let me know how to get the port number
I assume that you are behind a Proxy server of your organisation (office, job, workplace) which sits in between the Internet and the intranet of your organisation. Am I right?
If so, usually the administrator of the intranet determines a fixed IP address and a fixed port number of Proxy server and will announce that pair to every members in your organisation. Aren’t you informed of it? Please ask him for help.
Or, are you working in an unusual network configuration?
Hi ,
Thanks for the reply! I have contacted IT team and they are not sure, how to set up this proxy. I wanted to try this tool and no one in the organization uses it. Can you please tell me the exact steps , so that I can guide my IT team.