Basic usability flaws

There are a number of really basic usability issues which make Katalon Record frustrating to use and impractical for me. I actually tested this out a few months ago, then decided to stop using it in hopes it would improve, but it hasn’t.

  • If I select a command row I should be able to delete it using the keyboard delete key. Currently you have to right-click the row and select the Delete Command option.
  • When I click on a new empty row the input fields (command, target, value) still show values from the previously selected command.
  • When running a test an empty command results in a test failure. It should just ignore empty commands.
  • When saving a suite or test-case, each time I have to browse back the folder where I initially created it. It doesn’t seem to be able to retain the last or current save path. To put this in perspective, for a relatively simple test case I save 3-5 times before it is reasonably close to what I want. A complicated test case might be 20+. Having to do this makes the tool incredibly frustrating.
  • Even though i’m saving the same suite, it keeps displaying the warning about overwriting every time I save. To put this in perspective, for a relatively simple test case I save 3-5 times before it is reasonably close to what I want. A complicated test case might be 20+. Having to do this makes the tool incredibly frustrating.
  • There are some other things, but these are the biggest issues for me.

I’m glad someone revived Selenium IDE, but I think the old version was more refined and I think this still needs some work before I will commit to it.




I found it too, but for me it’s a small things so I use and really like Katalon Automation Recorder.

About saving: you don’t have to save test case each time you making changes, just change something and run again as many times as you need and when you’re happy with a result then save test case/test suite.

About deleting a command: you can use Ctrl + x - it’s pretty nice wokaround.

What can i add from me: it would be great if we can comment some command, now we have to delete it or add if command for it with always false condition to not run particular command.