Android mobile testing cant find device name - yes i tried instructions on the web


Environment (for Mobile Testing)
testing android MOBILE through USB

I tried mobile spy and recorder and device name does not appear however it was there a few minutes ago and I did not change any settings…

Appium version :

Mobile platform/version under test: (Samsung)

Application file (.apk/.ipa): (if possible)



  1. I find it very confusing trying to know how to select an object with mobile devices. Any resources I can read

  2. I am still learning so I may still need to learn more but if it was working before and I didn’t change settings , the device should still appear!

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Hi there, and thanks for posting in the Katalon community! :hugs:

To help you faster, please review our guide on Record Mobile Utility here:

Double-checking the steps and configurations might resolve the issue.

If the doc doesn’t help, feel free to provide more details, and a community member will assist you soon.

Thanks for being a part of our community!
Vu Le

Hi @ndorvillearnold,

Welcome to our community. Thank you for sharing your issue.

In terms of your problem, can you please try the suggestion from: Katalon Studio Android Mobile device not found - #2 by kreno and let me know if it works? Moreover, we also provide doc on this issue as: Connected device not displayed in 'Device Name' list | Katalon Docs. You can spend time exploring it now. Thank you

@ndorvillearnold I am unsure if this is the issue you are experiencing but I would suggest upgrading to appium version 2 or above and installing the uiautomator2 driver. I could be wrong but I think appium version 1 is no longer supported by newer Katalon Studio versions.