Record Mobile not working

Hi Katalon Community,

I’m trying to use the mobile record for android devices, but “device name” is empty and all the functionalities are disabled. I have installed appium using npm and tried different directories in “Appium Directory”, but it doesn’t seem to work as expected.

Any help would be appreciated.

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 10.42.16

Ruben B


Hi @jpereyra, :wave:

I found an article on our documentation which might be worth checking out…

Connected device not displayed in 'Device Name' list | Katalon Docs.

Let us know if this helps. Thanks!


Thanks for the information, ! I will take a look and get back to this post to share the results.

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@jpereyra Appium version 2.0 and above are only compatible with this proof of concept version of katalon studio.

I would suggest downgrading appium to version 1.22.3 if you want to use the mobile recorder normally.

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Hi All,

Thanks for taking your some of your time to share the information.

What I wanted to do is to test some websites in mobile size. I accomplished that by changing the view port size to a mobile device.

Now the problem I’m facing is that the screenshot of a page is being taken in desktop size even though I can see the it’s in mobile view WebUI.setViewPortSize(390, 844). I will do some search and create a new post here if I can’t find anything related to that.

Ruben B