[AKA] Katalon Studio - Feb 26 to Mar 12, 2024 ✨

It’s to support multiple login in methods. Similar to how Docker Desktop and some other apps login.

What’s the problem you are having?

Hi Xuan,

I have initial setup done as per the articles and Katalon demo video.
And I believe, I have covered all the prerequisites for the Katalon - Perfecto setup but I still cannot connect to perfecto cloud for device simulation.
• Unable to record objects > cannot connect to remote for perfecto cloud to capture/record objects.


• Below is a screenshot from a sample mobile project, Unable to run any sample test cases for Katalon - Perfecto cloud.

I have referred below links for the initial setup.
 Perfecto article: Katalon Studio
 Katalon article: [Mobile] Set up real Android devices in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs

Please help me with this issue

Hi @here, :wave:

Thank you very much for your questions thus far!

We are excited to share with you that AKA has been extended until 2024-03-12T16:59:00Z to give you more time to share your questions and have them answered by our Product team! :tada:

Keep your questions coming! :sunglasses:

Hello Team,

I am getting this error and unable to execute my test case on chrome

Having an issue with authentication in 9.3.1. In our corporate network we have ways we access the network, 1 from office with proxy involved, 2 from home via vpn but no proxy.
In Katalon 8.6.8 I have to switch the authentication proxy from manual (when in office) to No Proxy (when home).
However while trying to go to 9.3.1 I cannot get it to work when in office. When home, the no proxy works fine, but when in office and manual proxy (defined same as in 8.6.8) it will not open the browser for authentication. Any ideas?

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Hi All, I am trying to connect ti Informix db in Katalon. I have added drivers as well in the driver folder for informix, getting connectivity error as below:

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:informix-sqli://mia-devirisdb1:1532/fms:informixserver=cchstage

Hi @xuan.tran,

We got some members who were curious to see if there is going to be support for desktop testing on MacOS or not. Can you take a look?

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Please help update your Katalon to v9.3.1 as we fixed it in this release:

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Hi @xuan.tran,

One member asked if the issue with Cloudfare blocking Katalon Studio from 2021 has been resolved or not…

My problem is, from 9.3 onward, the login does not work. The browser never appears, I get an error, that there is no internet connection, which is not right. I tried through proxy, without proxy, any and every configuration. Raised tickets, but the “solution” was to open 9.0, log in, than I can use 9.3 until it automatically logs me out every 2 days…

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We got a question from @asha.dhandu about Mobile testing in Katalon Studio

@xuan.tran - I am unable to Pause my testrun during execution, there is any way we can pause and after sometimes can resume my test run.

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Hi @viewxy,
Thank you for letting us know. We’re sorry for the inconvenience that you’re facing. We’re working on the improvement for the login so that it can work with special cases behind a proxy. Our team will constantly update you via your support ticket.

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Hi @atul.rai,
Currently, we can only terminate the execution by clicking Stop, and then you have to rerun it again from the beginning. Is there any specific reason why you want to pause and resume it?

Option is given in Katalon, so i was trying to pause , but Pause feature is not working.
sometime due to some reason i want also pause test run and again want to resume.
Pause FYI @xuan.tran

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Hi, is there an easier way to set up iOS devices? I’m starting a mobile testing project next month and trying to figure out how to set it up. Thanks

Hi @xuan.tran,

Not sure if this question has been asked in this thread before, but can I use Web Recorder on websites that have multi-level shadow DOM? Thanks!

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Hi @Mark_Peterson,

Thank you for your question. So, before @xuan.tran jumps in to help you with your question, I would like to give you a pointer to one of our KShare articles which also covered iOS Testing below :point_down:

We hope this will be able to help you with your iOS testing project!

@xuan.tran - I am facing an issues as I run my 65 testsuite with sequential setting and found after 12.00 PM IST , Execution has been stop and no next testsuite has run.
Please look into attached log for more details
I have paid license.
logfile.txt (78.1 KB)

Yes; with the latest Enterprise edition, if you use smart locator it’s automatic. Selection methods for Web objects | Katalon Docs