Using Katalon After Trial Expiration


I am using the Katalon Studio Trial version for Windows Automation, wanted to check that after 30 days will I still be able to leverage this Application apart from [Native Windows Recorder] mentioned in (Native Windows Recorder in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs)

Thanks in advance !!!


Hi @ankitj9n,

Welcome to our community. After your 30-day trial period, you continue using Katalon Freemium offering. In this case, unfortunately, it is not possible for Native Windows Recorder as it requires * You need an active Katalon Studio Enterprise license in the docs. However, you are in the right place, by engaging with our community you can earn yourself a license, Getting Started (Part 6) - Get rewarded for your contribution with the Kudos Rewards Program! 🏆.

Hope this helps!


Thank You for your message, does that mean that after Trial expiration I can use ‘Windows Recorder’ and just cannot use ‘Native Windows Recorder’, is there any other limitation which I should be aware of?


Happy to help. You can find more details in the document you have shared earlier Native Windows Recorder in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs. Also, after trial plan, you will continue using Katalon Freemium offering, a comprehensive comparision is here

Hope this helps!

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