Unable to save test case

Hi @tomoya_chen,

Please try this solution: Response frame and Request Message in blank - version 5.8.4 of Marlon_Cettina

Same with me… error in katalon version 6.1.2 build 2 for mac at 14 may 2019

Flow I found the issue:

  1. Setting GET request and url
  2. set HTTP header name: x-api-key , value: {value apikey}
  3. save
  4. run (200)
  5. I remove x-api-key in tab HTTP header
  6. save (error: “unable to save part”)

but, when I play/ run (pop up error: “unable to save part”) then I click OK in the pop up, request is running. but NOT save (any * in the tab of request).

@huynguyen- This isse due to access write in Linux folder. Now it’s resolved by getting right access for file creation.

Thank you so much.

Same with me… error in katalon version 6.1.3 for Windows 10 at 10 June 2019

Below is the flow for which I found the issue:

  1. Do changes in the test suite
  2. Uncheck any test case from the test suite
  3. save
  4. run (200)
  5. save (error: “unable to save part”)

but, when I play/ run (pop up error: “unable to save part”) then I click OK on the pop-up, a request is running. but it does not allow me to run. After closing the Katalon application and then starting again the application allows me to run the test suite.


I am using latest version of Katalon (7.1.1) even then same issue, sometimes Save disabled or Save throws error

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