After updating my local Katalon Studio and pushing to Bitbucket with changes made in the new version I am unable to open my project on any machine, and getting an error that project description is invalid. As soon as I pull from my Bitbucket server the project I am working in throws an resource exception in the following image:
I have attempted to delete the .project file and other temporary files to no avail. This is now happening on everyone of my machines that pulls from my main Bitbucket repo.
Thanks for any help! This issue is keeping my project at a standstill.
Thanks for the reply! Is this because you are utilizing qTest integrations? I have not added these to my project yet so perhaps that is why it is missing? Regardless I will give it a try on my backup machine, thanks for the suggestion!
Thank you for the reply. I attempted the suggest fix of changing the .project file to reflect your suggestion but am getting the same error still. I also went ahead and added the qTest portion to my Project file as Russ suggested. I appreciate the help greatly!
Thanks for the reply! I have attempted to delete my .project file but received the same error. I have now attached both files. The help is greatly appreciated! KatalonTests.txt (819 Bytes) project.txt (3.9 KB)