Support for running desktop applications with argument parameters

The program I am testing requires a parameter argument to run with JAWS (like /jaws or -jaws), which is required for automated testing as it makes objects on the screen selectable. When I’m trying to record or spy, I am unable to start the program with an argument.


To start your app with arguments, you need to add appArguments as Desired Capabilities like below example:


References from WinAppDriver

Could anyone help me with the same issue?

If I use Windows CMD for execution it works fine:
Example: MyApp.exe my_custom_parameter1 my_custom_parameter2 etc

If I use Windows Action Recorder → Edit → Desired Capabilities it doesn’t work
I tried different types of appArguments
Also tried to use Desired Capabilities directly
Like this example: property | String | my_custom_parameter1

Any idea what is wrong?

Katalon Studio 8.5.5