Support for "Chrome for Testing" in Katalon Studio

Now I understand that Katalon Studio depends on the WebDriverManager of Boni Garcia.

Their list contains two related issues:

We can see the change they made at this diff page

What did they do? They changed the URL string format





This change is easy to understand. Clear enough.

However, there remains a concern. In future, what will happen when the ChromeDriver project changes the download URL format again? Well, as you can easily guess, we will get into a trouble again. We will need Katalon Studio to be upgraded in order to get the updated version of webdrivermanager bundled. This risk will remain in the future.

I think that the webdrivermanager is 99% OK but not a perfect solution for Katalon users.

I think, “Chrome for Testing” could be a safety net that could help us in case.