Slow to locate objects

I have setup a simple test cases, simply clicking a Next button to navigate through a set of slide.

However, each tap, or get text command is taking around 90 seconds each time on an Android emulator or connected USB phone.

Is there something wrong? or is there a way I can improve?

I have attached a sample from the console:

[HTTP] ← POST /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/touch/perform 200 30295 ms - 76

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/window/current/size {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/window/current/size 200 7 ms - 100

[HTTP] → POST /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/elements {“using”:“-android uiautomator”,“value”:“new UiSelector().className(\“android.widget.TextView\”).text(\“Cash back on hotels worldwide\”).resourceId(\“com.dosh.client:id/title\”).instance(1)”}

[HTTP] ← POST /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/elements 200 70389 ms - 89

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 3 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 2 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 2 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 3 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/element/3/location {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/element/3/location 200 10117 ms - 90

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/element/3/text {}

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [PASSED] - Text of element ‘Object Repository/Dosh - Signup/Slide 2 Text - Cash back on hotels worldwide’ is: ‘Cash back on hotels worldwide’

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [END] - End action : getText

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [START] - Start action : tap

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [INFO] - Finding Test Object with id ‘Object Repository/Dosh - Signup/Slides - Next’

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [INFO] - Checking object

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [INFO] - Checking timeout

05-09-2018 08:57:11 AM - [WARNING] - Timeout ‘0’ is invalid. Using default page load timeout: ‘10’

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/element/3/text 200 10059 ms - 103

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/window/current/size {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/window/current/size 200 11 ms - 100

[HTTP] → POST /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/elements {“using”:“-android uiautomator”,“value”:“new UiSelector().className(\“android.widget.Button\”).text(\“Next\”).resourceId(\“com.dosh.client:id/nextButton\”).instance(0)”}

[HTTP] ← POST /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/elements 200 70408 ms - 89

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 2 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 6 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 4 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838 200 2 ms - 1123

[HTTP] → GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/element/4/location {}

[HTTP] ← GET /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/element/4/location 200 10108 ms - 89

[HTTP] → POST /wd/hub/session/b1293c8f-8fa7-4996-9c15-f39efcba9838/touch/perform {“actions”:[{“action”:“tap”,“options”:{“element”:“4”,“x”:1,“y”:1}}]}

05-09-2018 08:59:02 AM - [PASSED] - Tapped on element ‘Object Repository/Dosh - Signup/Slides - Next’

05-09-2018 08:59:02 AM - [END] - End action : tap

05-09-2018 08:59:02 AM - [START] - Start action : getText

05-09-2018 08:59:02 AM - [INFO] - Finding Test Object with id ‘Object Repository/Dosh - Signup/Slide 3 Text - Brands you know love’

05-09-2018 08:59:02 AM - [INFO] - Checking object

05-09-2018 08:59:02 AM - [INFO] - Checking timeout

Any help very much appreciated!

Sorry, don’t know anything about mobile/android testing using KS. However, there is a setting under Execution/Default/WebUI called “Delay between actions” (mine set to zero). Is there something similar under Execution/Default/Mobile?

Russ Thomas said:

Sorry, don’t know anything about mobile/android testing using KS. However, there is a setting under Execution/Default/WebUI called “Delay between actions” (mine set to zero). Is there something similar under Execution/Default/Mobile?

No, there is no such setting for mobile :frowning: