Run API test suite always stopped in the same place

I’ve built test suite with 62 test cases, run it few times already and never run to the end. Always stop/hang on the same test in the middle of execution. Job Progress showing .
Nothing is in the log, test case is also not a problem because it can be run successfully to the end as a single run.
I’ve try to also created collection suite and add same test suite and run - result is the same.
In the Event Log I’ve found this:
Warning: NLS unused message: PREF_WARN_KSE_SQL_SERVER in: com.kms.katalon.composer.testdata.constants.composerTestdataMessages
Warning: NLS unused message: PREF_WARN_KSE_ORACLE_SQL in: com.kms.katalon.composer.testdata.constants.composerTestdataMessages
Warning: NLS unused message: Key in: com.kms.katalon.composer.testsuite.collection.constant.composerTestsuiteCollectionMessages
Any ideas what is wrong?

KS v7.2.6

If you put the test case on first position of the testsuite and save and refresh the project …it still shows error?

If I did as you suggested then first test case passed but the same problem was on half of the suite, running was hang on in the middle of test suite