Reports Not getting published to Katalon Analytics

Hello Team,

I am noticing since Yesterday that Katalon Analytics is not showing the reports of some of the executions. This is just the latest example.

Please look into this.


I am facing the same problem for the past few days.

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There is an update, Today morning I didn’t notice this issue. Everything looks normal.

i have the same problem… the strange is this has been happening to me for two weeks, but the next morning I don’t see the problem anymore. And this happens every day.

@pablo.vidal Yes the issue is there

Hi @manpreet.mukkar, @Anita, and @pablo.vidal

Please try reimporting the test results and inform us if you still have this issue. Thank you all!


@Jass The reimport doesn’t work. It just stops the processing of the results and nothing shows up in result.

Hola again @manpreet.mukkar

Can you try manually importing those results too?
