Refresh issue in test suite collection


I tried Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching > Save required dirty editors before launching to take “Always” ON

And I tried just the same operation with TCx+TCy+TS1+TCS. I found no difference.

I suppose that the Eclipse’s “Save required dity editors” works only with Test Case scripts. The Eclipose’s features does not work with Test Suites and Test Suite Collections.

This is reasonable. Test Cases are fundamentally Groovy scripts which are edited by Eclipse-built-in text editor; but Test Suite and Test Suite Collections are NOT edited by text editors. Katalon’s application provides the form widget for Test Suite and Test Suite Collections; and it would have nothing to do with the Eclipse’ “Save dirty editors” setting.

Test Suites would never be auto-saved.

Thank you so much for your effort and feedback. I found the same thing as you. I think this can be a nice feature request that we should either alert the unsave test case before executing or enable a way to auto-save it. Thank you so much!

Feature request?

No it isn’t. It’s a design fault.

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Our team confirm that we will fix this in v9.1.0. Hope this answer is clear to you. Thank you!

Thank you @Elly_Tran