Re-use of Custom Keyword library for other Projects

Does anyone know if it’s possible to re-use the library of custom Keywords for other Kalon Studio projects?

I’ve created a Keyword package that I want to re-use.

I tried copying the Keywords directory to another project but this didn’t work.

Please try to copy the CustomKeyword.groovy file to your existing package folder.
The Customkeyword file should be display under the keyword package in Katalon Studio.
When you open the file, please note to change the package name in top of file.

Hi nhi,

This doesn’t work for me.

I tried the following:
- Create a new project in Katalon Studio.
- Create in Katalon Studio under Keywords a new package with the same name as my existing package.
- Copy the .groovy file of my existing package to the new location.
- Click on Add -> Custom Keyword
- Now it says “No Custom Keywords”

Hi nhi,

Closing and re-opening fixed this. It now works.

But is not possible to re-use an entire package, without re-creating the package in a new project and copying the underlying .groovy files?

Something like an export/import function for the custom Keyword library would seem handy.

@Lucas: Sorry, I forgot to mention that you should refresh the perspective to see the new file appears.
Regarding the import/export feature. I think Katalon team will consider about it.
@“Liam B” please take a look.

Hi Lukas,

Thank you for using Katalon Studio. Dev team does have this feature in the queue and will implement in the future.

Feel free to let us know if you any questions or suggestions.



for the solution

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