[Question] Is Katalon Studio still free?

We feel the same. Enterprise usually means hefty price tag which means that our requirement for a free testing tool in offline environment is no longer satisfied meaning we will be dropping it in case they attach a price tag to it. Why is activation even needed for a free product (as advertised)?

We’re not buying explanation provided:

This is an effort from Katalon Team to address our users’ concerns (e.g. autoupdate, plugin usage, etc.), as well as preventing network and security breaches.

What concerns from users and how exactly does a “Enterprise” version solve autoupdate aswell as prevent network and security breaches in a offline environment sealed from internet at a government agency? Let me tell you developer to developer - it does not! If you are really after money then say so instead of “adressing users concerns” which everyone knows is utter nonsense, we have no problem paying for support in case we need it but forcing users to get a “Enterprise” product in case they have no internet connection due to security constraints is extortion. I feel this needs to be lifted to both medium.com and Twitter so that Katalon get off their high horse and get back to following their motto as stated on website Free. Robust. Cross-platform.