[New Releases] Katalon Platform Update - April 2024

Hi Community members, :wave:

Today, we are announcing all of the updates, patches, and enhancements to the Katalon Platform that we released throughout April 2024.

Starting with April 2024, we will consolidate all product release announcements into a single topic at the end of the month, instead of publishing smaller release announcements as before.

Use the links below to jump to the Katalon Platform module(s) that you care about:

:pushpin: Create test

:pushpin: TestCloud

To see our past releases, simply navigate to our new-release tag, or visit our Katalon Community Hub.

:pushpin: Create Test


  • [API] We have added the ability to import OpenAPI 3 with URL.

  • [API] We have revamped the feature Import OpenAPI 2 (Swagger) and Import OpenAPI 3:

    • Merged 2 options and changed the feature name to Import from OpenAPI/Swagger.
    • Minor adjustment to the API - create test case onboarding tour.
    • Minor adjustment on the error message when importing the wrong file format.
  • If you are the Account Owner, you can now enable/disable StudioAssist in Studio for all members in your Account.

  • You can now use StudioAssist with only KSE license required, you no longer need to input your own OpenAI API key.

  • We have added the ability to disable Smart Locator for execution and Self-healing on KSE edition and KRE.

  • [Report] For mail servers that are already set up successfully to use without passwords, you can now send reports via email from Studio without inputting the password in Project Settings.

  • [Security Compliance] Upgraded Gradle from 5.4.1 to 7.6.4 to resolve critical vulnerabilities.

  • [Security Compliance] Upgraded org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-core@2.361.4 to version 2.448 to resolve critical vulnerabilities in katalon-studio/katalon-studio-jenkins-plugin

  • [iOS/Android] Improved accessibility ID locator strategy in Mobile Recorder and Spy. You can now generate an Accessibility ID and switch between different locator strategies in Mobile Recorder, Spy, and Test Object editor.

  • [Kobiton integration] Added an alternative to enter your own Kobiton Application ID on Mobile Object Spy and Mobile Recorder.

  • We have added Smart Locator to Katalon Compact Utility version 2.20. (Compatible with Studio 9.3.1 onwards).

  • We have added Chrome 123, Edge 123, and Firefox 124 compatibilities.

Bug fixed:

  • We fixed an error where some users were unable to log into Katalon Studio 9.3.2. due to license type error.

  • We fixed the error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()" because the return value of "io.swagger.oas.models.parameters.Parameter.getRequired()" is null when importing Open API.

  • We fixed the error: something went wrong with schema when importing Jira Cloud openAPI file.

  • We fixed an error where Incorrect expiration date displayed on Start Page and About Katalon Studio dialog.

  • We fixed the issue on iOS where no value was generated for the Accessibility ID locator method.

  • We fixed the error where some users were unable to reload plugin when having expired subdomain.

  • We fixed an issued where our users were unable to run Smart Locator with Chrome/Firefox in headless mode.

  • We fixed an issue where the package itself was removed when renaming the package with the same name.

  • We fixed the error: occurred at the step of parsing keyword when executing: classes.java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 61 at org.assertj.core.internal.bytebuddy.jar.asm.ClassReader

  • We fixed an error where our users were unable to excute with Katalon Runtime Engine (KRE) when inputting orgId in command while in trial Katalon Studio Enterprise.

  • We fixed an error where Smart Locator value was removed when adding a Test Object from the Object Repository to Web Spy.

  • We fixed an issue where our users were unable to integrate Studio with Kobiton using private URLs.

  • We fixed an issue where Web Object Spy and Mobile Recorder stopped working after a few minutes.

  • [Linux] We fixed an error with incorrect machine ID in Katalon Runtime Engine log.

  • We fixed an issue where StudioAssist was not using Studio Proxy Settings.

:information_source: For more information, please refer to our documentation at: Katalon Studio Release Notes: Version 9.x | Katalon Docs

:pushpin: TestCloud

New features:

1. Support for Geo-location testing for mobile testing + macOS/Windows

What is this?
Geolocation feature allows to simulate website and mobile behavior from different locations by incorporating IP geolocation and GPS location into your tests, you can verify scenarios such as localized pricing, languages, product listings and much more.
With IP and GPS geolocation enabled, traffic to your website or mobile app will originate from an IP address hosted in the country you have chosen. With over 50+ countries to choose from, you can now test how your website or mobile app behaves across the world.

:information_source: You cannot perform Geo-location testing with private site using TestCloud Tunnel together.

:information_source: You can only perform Geo-location testing on LambdaTest devices, both Mobile and Desktop (macOS, Windows).

:information_source: To learn how to set up Geo-location testing, please refer to our documentation at: Set geographic location | Katalon Docs

2. Network Throttling
What is this?
There might be instances where you would have to check the functionality of your website on poor network conditions or even offline. Such networks have variable upload and download speeds which can alter how your website performs on different browsers.

With Network throttling feature, you can test the performance and behavior of your website under different network conditions by simulating different network profiles.

:information_source: To learn how to set up Network Throttling, please refer to our documentation at: Configure network throttling | Katalon Docs

3. Update latest browser version for Windows, Linux and macOS (Chrome 123) (Firefox 123) (Edge Chromium 123) for TestCloud environments in TestOps and Katalon Studio.


1. Support executing with KRE 8.6.9 & 9.3.2 in TestCloud environment

2. Support tunnel sharing among members of the same org either executing in Katalon Studio

  • Within the same org, when a member sets up a tunnel and turn on the Shared tunnel toggle, the tunnel then can be shared among members when executing in Katalon Studio.
  • Default: Sharing is ON

3. [TestOps] Support KRE 9.3.1 mechanism to execute scripts contains Smart Locator

  • KRE 9.3.1 has been enhanced to record and execute test cases containing Smart Locator.

  • Accordingly, when running tests in TestCloud, an extension will be installed in TestCloud environments (currently support web testing) to ensure the tests can be executed successfully.

  • Note: For Chrome headless mode, we are waiting for a solution from LambdaTest and will improve promptly when receiving update from them.

4. You can now see statuses of Visual testing directly in History page

  • Hover: Hovering over “Visual Testing” will display detailed information through popup (similar to screenshots below).

  • Click: Clicking on “Visual Testing” will open a dedicated page in a new tab.

5. You can view Error Test Results with better experience on History Drawer

6. Record & Run mobile native app testing with TestCloud in Katalon Studio

  • We have added support API for integration with Katalon Studio
  • Ensure Record/Spy and Run mobile native app testing features can be executed successfully in TestCloud environments.

7. [TestOps] You can now find and copy AppID in the App Repo

Bug fixes:

  • Video of LambdaTest/SauceLabs (executing in Windows, macOS, mobile testing) are renamed correctly when there are multiple startApplication in a test case or when running a test suite with mixed UI and API test cases.
Before After
Video name: video.mp4 Video name: .mp4

  • [History page] Hide Delete test run capability for User role
Before After
As a User role, When click Delete option below: This error message will appear:
Hide Delete option for User role
  • We have fixed the issue regarding video’s name:
    • Videos are not named correctly when there are test cases failed when openBrowser.
    • Videos are not renamed when startApplication or openBrowser is put in the custom keyword.
    • Videos are not renamed for the test suite that contains a test case with 3 startApplication and others.
Before After
video.mp4 <order of testcase in test suite (start from 1)>.mp4

  • We have fixed the issue with History page - Visual Testing with Running status

  • We have fixed the issue: [Mobile App] All videos of the entire session are not generated when there is a test with Lambda Error or there is a video that may take so long to generate.
  • No video

  • Videos of the entire session are not generated, even though there 2 passed test cases

  • We observed that when there are queued timeout in LambdaTest, all videos of the session will not be generated

  • We observed that when there are lamba error in LambdaTest, all videos of the session will not be generated as well:

  • Also, sometimes, videos are not generated for some sessions, it may be due to one of the video taking so long to be generated


:information_source: For more information, please refer to our documentation at: Katalon TestCloud Release Notes | Katalon Docs