Need to install latest Katalon compatible chrome - currently my chrome version is 79

Hi all,
I am facing issue with using the chrome exe for 76 that you have shared. It says “Starting ChromeDriver 76.0.3809.68 (420c9498db8ce8fcd190a954d51297672c1515d5-refs/branch-heads/3809@{#864}) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.
Please protect ports used by ChromeDriver and related test frameworks to prevent access by malicious code.”

Currently my scripts aren’t running on chrome 79. I would like to install Katalon compatible chrome version. Please help.**Currently my scripts aren’t running on chrome 79. I would like to install Katalon compatible chrome version. Please help.**Currently my scripts aren’t running on chrome 79. I would like to install Katalon compatible chrome version. Please help.

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@roopa Just make sure you have Update Chrome installed on your machine and then Launch Katalon > Tools > Update Drivers > Chrome

You haven’t posted the full error message too.

I am also on Chrome 79 and don’t see any issue while executing the test cases.


You have two options:

1.) Download the latest version of the studio, and the latest version of Chrome. This will ensure that you have the appropriate version of chromedriver that is compatible with the latest version of the actual browser. This is the preferred method.

2.) Download and install chromedriver 76, and continue using Chrome 76.

As you can probably guess, the trick here is to make sure your chromedriver version matches your chrome version. Having the latest versions of the studio/browser usually solves this problem.


The latest version of Katalon does not support the latest version of Chromedriver.

@Funkey I have Version 79.0.3945.79 (Official Build) (64-bit) for Chrome and below is Updated ChromeDriver version. I am not facing any issues while running test. The Katalon Studio Version is 7.1.2

Updating web driver...

[INFO] Using WebDriverManager to resolve chrome
[DEBUG] Latest version of chromedriver according to is 78.0.3904.105
[INFO] Reading to seek chromedriver
[INFO] Downloading
[INFO] Extracting binary from compressed file
[INFO] Overriding former binary /Applications/Katalon
[INFO] Resulting binary /Applications/Katalon

It will “support” whichever version is installed, either by default or manually by the user. Usually, Katalon Studio comes pre-packaged with the best version of each driver for the currently-available browser versions. If the version of the driver that comes with the latest version of the studio is “behind”, then either:

1.) Wait for the next KS release, if possible, or
2.) Download the appropriate driver yourself and install it into the studio


@Brandon_Hein I think I just noticed the same problem which @Funkey is mentioning here. I was setting up a new machine for test execution and when I started the test it gave me the same error. While setting up I downloaded latest chrome and upon executing Katalon Studio it will automatically install required chrome drivers but it didn’t. I had to manually run Update Drivers > Chrome and that fixed the problem. Previously Katalon would automatically install required chrome drivers on the 1st run.

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That helped! thank you so much :+1:

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IF Chrome is not compatible then down load the Chrome driver that u currently having (for EG Chrome 79)
ChromeDriver download link

Replace the chrome driver exe file in ur KATALON installation folder
C:\Users\user name \Documents\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.1.2\Katalon_Studio_Windows_64-7.1.2\configuration\resources\drivers\chromedriver_win32