Most of my automation script got deleted?

Hey everyone,
I wrote a 800+ step test case; I experienced an error around 800 and the work around was to start an new test case, so I used a Call test case method. I believe the error was “Method overload” or something like that. I opened the test case today and for some reason, about 700 steps were deleted? I have no clue why. I should have closed Katalon studio the way I normally do. I am not sure if I accidently deleted these steps or if this is an issue outside of the user.

If I did delete these steps, is there any way for me to get those steps back?

If the deletion was caused by a Katalon issue, is there any way for me to get those steps back?

Kind Regards

Could you please take a look into the Scripts directory using OS’s file explorer?

I took a look at the Scripts folder that is located within the respective Project folder. It contains a groovy file and I opened it using notepad. It does not contain the missing information.

Hi Devalex88,

I believe I found the a bug in Katalon Studio.

To replicate:

  1. Draft an automation script with 10 lines of code.
  2. In script view, comment out an end chunk such as line 6 through 10 or 7 through 10.
  3. Switch to Manual View.
  4. Right click line 4. Hold down “Shift” button and right click line 2. This will select lines 2 through 4. Click Delete icon(trash symbol).
  5. Switch to Script View.

Expected: Lines 2 to 4 are deleted.
Actual: Lines 2 to 4 and commented out end chunk(lines 6-10 or 7-10) are deleted.

I believe this bug is what caused the original issue I posted.

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@vweerasinghe Thank you so much for the report.

@Loan_Tran @Alice Please try to reproduce.

Hi @vweerasinghe,
An issue has just been submitted to Katalon team to fix your bug:
We’re sorry that there is no way to get back your deleted lines once Katalon tool is closed.

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Hi @vweerasinghe,
I get back after Katalon team’s discussion to inform you that the issue you’re facing is currently the limitation of Katalon Studio tool.
You can add a command like println() at the end of the script to make sure that the lines you commented are not the last lines. This is a work-around solution for temporary.
We’ll consider to fix this issue.

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Great, thanks Loan!

Great, thanks @Loan_Tran!

@devalex88 Any idea when this issue will be fixed? this is very annoying, it deletes the hard work done when end lines are commented out just for testing something.

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